Review of Quorn Vegan Peppered Steak Slice - Ginsters by lilylovestheplanet

photo of Ginsters Quorn Vegan Peppered Steak Slice shared by @lilylovestheplanet on  21 Jan 2022 - review


I wasn't expecting much from this as I have a history of not loving Quorn products and I think beef/steak is hard to replicate. However, I was pleasantly surprised when it came to this.

It tastes almost identical to how I remember the non-vegan version tasting. It's not revolutionary or anything, but it's decent if you want a quick snack. It does have a very slight coconut aftertaste, but it's hardly noticeable. It's mainly just peppery and slightly beefy.

xstomox i need to try this!!Reply

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