Review of Bio Gemüse Chips mit Meersalz - Snack Day by potplant

photo of Snack Day Bio Gemüse Chips mit Meersalz shared by @potplant on  27 Jul 2021 - reviewphoto of Snack Day Bio Gemüse Chips mit Meersalz shared by @potplant on  27 Jul 2021 - reviewphoto of Snack Day Bio Gemüse Chips mit Meersalz shared by @potplant on  27 Jul 2021 - review

Snack Day

Can we just talk about how these are made 1/4 out of sugar?
I'm shocked because I only saw now how much sugar they have and was about to say that these vegetable crisps are slightly bitter, sweet and salty at the same time.
I like these crisps but they're not necessary. I prefer to snack on other things 😅 they look really pretty though and I'd choose these over normal potato crisps.
#crisps #snack #unhealthy


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