Review of Gott & Blandat äkta fruktgodis bär & frukt - Malaco by enkelvegan

photo of Malaco Gott & Blandat äkta fruktgodis bär & frukt shared by @enkelvegan on  07 Jun 2021 - reviewphoto of Malaco Gott & Blandat äkta fruktgodis bär & frukt shared by @enkelvegan on  07 Jun 2021 - reviewphoto of Malaco Gott & Blandat äkta fruktgodis bär & frukt shared by @enkelvegan on  07 Jun 2021 - review


Soft candy with real fruit, but I didn't really feel like they tasted like fruit haha. Tasted like sugar free candy.

aqualing Disappointed #berrylover ?😞4 likesReply
enkelvegan Ah, idk. Maybe not just completely overwhelmed 🤪2 likesReply

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