Review of Organic whole wheat cereal - Weetabix by titoherbito

photo of Weetabix Organic whole wheat cereal shared by @titoherbito on  10 May 2021 - reviewphoto of Weetabix Organic whole wheat cereal shared by @titoherbito on  10 May 2021 - reviewphoto of Weetabix Organic whole wheat cereal shared by @titoherbito on  10 May 2021 - review


Cereales integrales procedentes de agricultura orgánica (95% trigo entero orgánico). Trae 24 galletas en envase de cartón, sin plástico. De sabor parece cartón prensado, el truco es mojarlas en leche vegetal o untarlas en mermelada, margarina, sirope...


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