Review of Cris’Peas - Nature Addicts (N.A!) by koyott

photo of Nature Addicts (N.A!) Cris’Peas shared by @koyott on  25 Dec 2020 - reviewphoto of Nature Addicts (N.A!) Cris’Peas shared by @koyott on  25 Dec 2020 - reviewphoto of Nature Addicts (N.A!) Cris’Peas shared by @koyott on  25 Dec 2020 - review

Nature Addicts (N.A!)

🇲🇫 Apéritif pour débuter le repas de Noël avec ces biscuits à base de petits pois que j'ai trouvé vraiment top, tant au niveau goût affirmé et texture croustillante! #veganin2020 #groingroin
🇬🇧 Aperitif to start the Christmas meal with these cookies made from peas that I found really great, both in terms of the assertive taste and crispy texture!


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