Yogurt de Soja Piña Maracuyá

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4,40 (57)
  • Est-ce que Yogurt de Soja Piña Maracuyá est végétalien ? Oui ! Yogurt de Soja Piña Maracuyá est certifié végétalien par la communauté abillionVÉGÉTALIEN
  • Icône d'impact carbone64 % Economisé

The yogurt de soja pina maracuya is a vegan dessert that offers a creamy and refreshing taste. Made with soy yogurt, it contains the sweet and tangy flavors of pineapple and passion fruit. The dessert has small pieces of fruit that add a delightful texture to each bite. Whether you're a vegan or just looking for a tasty snack, this plant-based treat is an excellent choice. Based on reviews, customers have enjoyed the irresistible goodness of this dessert.





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