Post by santuariovegan
No os lo vais a creer 😍😍😍
Solo dos días de tiempo, amor y muchos cuidados separan ambos vídeos...
Gracias a todas las personas que nos ayudáis. Esto solo es posible Gracias a vosotras y espero que os reconforte el alma tanto como a mí.
Eres grande Suerte y no, tu destino no era morir. Sino uno muy diferente ❤️
You won't believe it 😍😍😍
Only two days of time, love and a lot of care separate both videos...
Thanks to all the people who help us. This is only possible thanks to you and I hope it comforts your soul as much as it does me.
You are great Suerte and no, your destiny was not to die. But a very different one ❤️
.#veganisnotscary #santuariovegan #fundacionsantuariovegan #abillionlove #abillion #veganfortheanimals #govegan #vegan #madridvegano #madrid @abillion10