Ice Fruity Refresher

  • Est-ce que Ice Fruity Refresher est végétalien ? Oui ! Ice Fruity Refresher est certifié végétalien par la communauté abillionVÉGÉTALIEN
4,03 (6)

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Tastes as refreshing as it is described! It had fruit slices in it such as

apple, peach, lime,.. I love that part. It would have been even nicer if the ice was crushed really fine but this worked too so the ice doesn't melt too fast. One of my preferred drinks from them!

A delightful, refreshing complement to the array of flavours from the set lunch menu

refreshing blend of assorted fresh fruits~Quite like this as it is really authentic with the

nice cutted assorted fruits. It is still good to take it even when you are full with your meal.

we weren’t a big fan of this because we don’t really like fruit teas oops

but just wanted to try! glad there was a generous amount of fruit though:D

Quite sweet and contains fruits. Served in a cute teapot and teacup.

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