Review of BRAR'S SAMOSAS - Brar's by peachycantelo

photo of Brar's BRAR'S SAMOSAS shared by @peachycantelo on  24 Dec 2022 - reviewphoto of Brar's BRAR'S SAMOSAS shared by @peachycantelo on  24 Dec 2022 - reviewphoto of Brar's BRAR'S SAMOSAS shared by @peachycantelo on  24 Dec 2022 - review


#ecopackaging, #compostable

Its so delicious. It comes with a very yummy sweet sauce to balance out the spicyness. Its my 4 year old's favorite food as uou can probably see in the pictures. Soon as we got gome he sat down at the table and started eating it. Great way yo get vegetable in them too.


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