Review of Crispy Lemon Shrimpz - Vegan Zeastar by addictedtopeas

photo of Vegan Zeastar Crispy Lemon Shrimpz shared by @addictedtopeas on  07 May 2022 - reviewphoto of Vegan Zeastar Crispy Lemon Shrimpz shared by @addictedtopeas on  07 May 2022 - reviewphoto of Vegan Zeastar Crispy Lemon Shrimpz shared by @addictedtopeas on  07 May 2022 - review

Vegan Zeastar

so so good! they look and smell the same and they taste exactly the same too! consistency is perfect as well and the batter has a lemon flavor which works super well. my fam is a huge fan too. #veganseafood


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