Review of Camembert Style Artisan Alternative to Cheese - Mouse's Favourite by rhiannondiamxnd

photo of Mouse's Favourite Camembert Style Artisan Alternative to Cheese shared by @rhiannondiamxnd on  29 Oct 2021 - reviewphoto of Mouse's Favourite Camembert Style Artisan Alternative to Cheese shared by @rhiannondiamxnd on  29 Oct 2021 - review

Mouse's Favourite

This was nice but not my favourite out of all the cheeses we had. I was expecting a different texture, instead of it being really creamy and gooey it was a-bit crumbly. Still softer than regular cheeses though! #veganisnotscary

plumesworld It's really good if you bake itReply
rhiannondiamxnd We did, just wasn’t a fan of the texture much still 1 likeReply
Mouse's Favourite You can warm in nicely in the oven, but it won't go runny like dairy. This is because we use the minimum of ingredients and don't add anything to produce melting. Many thanks, PeterReply

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