Review of Buckwheat Flour - GoodDiet by anjunj
Found it on big basket. This flour has a slight nutty taste to it also healthy! But it does fall apart soon, a little crumbly. I like the taste of it. Made chapati n pancakes with it😄 it was difficult to roll chapati. The pancakes were easy to prepare. Had to be careful while flipping. It falls apart too easy. That was the only problem cooking with this flour. #veganisnotscary
lol1409 Have you tried cakes with this? A mug cake, perhaps?1 likeReply
anjunj I don't know if any of the mugs here are microwave safe😅 That's a good idea! I did cook the pancakes with only buckwheat flour. It doesn't have a strong hold as plain flour so had to be careful while flipping it. taste wise it was really good!1 likeReply
lol1409 You have inspired me to take the plunge 😬 If I make pancakes, it's a haphazard mix of ragi+oat+wheat flour. I'm so tired of them. 1 likeReply
anjunj Pancakes with ragi🤯 nice!! I should try that! I've only made sweet porridge with it😂1 likeReply
lol1409 Oh, mug cakes too! Ragi+wheat or just ragi. Ragi malts/drinks are SO filling. The spiced ones (nuts+elaichi) are so good. I remember there was a brand which had the same but it was meant to be mixed with milk and rolled into squishy globs. Delicious. 1 likeReply