Review of Napolitana at Debby's Good Veggie Food by asiayportia
So fat, it was in the bag for 10 mins and it made it all greasy hehe. Very very yummy chocolate pastry, but it doesn’t top the one from Forn de Pa Lleida 😍 #asiasofabv
valeveg75 😃😄 Asia sembra dirti 'te la mangi tutta tuuu?' 2 likesReply
asiayportia Ehehe sempre 😅 ma il cioccolato non lo può toccare!2 likesReply
valeveg75 ovviamente 😋🤐🤐🤐1 likeReply
ftc Those eyes 🥰2 likesReply
raffa70s70 Eccola lei🥰🥰🥰🔝🐾1 likeReply