Review of Gelatine free Jelly - Gelatine free jelly by bianca1701

photo of Gelatine free jelly Gelatine free Jelly shared by @bianca1701 on  14 May 2020 - review

Gelatine free jelly

This vegan jelly is delicious 😋!!! Wow I’ve tried the orange and the strawberry, can’t decide which is better they are both tasty. Bonus is you can bulk buy and store out of the fridge as they keep for more than a year 💃💃!

tilana85 My daughter has been asking for jelly and i was looking for a vegan option. Hope our Woolworths stocks it. Reply
bianca1701 Strawberry is my favourite. By all as they last long in the cupboard and then put some in the fridge for an hour or two to have on the day but even if u don’t put them in the fridge they are good 😂. It will be an addiction. We always have some on standby 😁Reply

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