Vegaffettato Capriccio Di Bresaola

de Biolab
4,38 (67)
  • ¿Es Vegaffettato Capriccio Di Bresaola vegano? ¡Sí! Vegaffettato Capriccio Di Bresaola está certificado como vegano por la comunidad abillionVEGANO
  • Icono de impacto de carbonoAhorrado 47 %

Introducing the Vegaffettato Capriccio di Bresaola, a plant-based alternative to the traditional Italian cold cut. Made with organic ingredients, this vegan bresaola is perfect for sandwiches or piadine. With a texture similar to the original, it's sure to satisfy your cravings for a tasty and nutritious snack. Some reviews mention its deliciousness and how it's a great option for those who are looking for a plant-based treat. Try it today and see for yourself!

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