Bio Ingwer Kurkuma Shot

de Solevita
4,04 (11)
  • ¿Es Bio Ingwer Kurkuma Shot vegano? ¡Sí! Bio Ingwer Kurkuma Shot está certificado como vegano por la comunidad abillionVEGANO
  • Icono de impacto de carbonoAhorrado 0 %

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Amazing ginger turmeric shots! Love starting the day with one and whenever I don’t manage

making my own this is a great alternative 😋 Also, if you find it, always buy the bigger glass bottle and not the metal single use shots 🌱

Great ginger turmeric shot. I like this format as glass bottle too 🤗

Producto muy original pero con un sabor raro..tome también el de jenjibre y no me

gustó. Demasiado caro para el tamaño que tiene, solo 150 ml# santuariovegan

This shot definitely gives a great kick :D It's quite spicy although it's main ingredient

is orange juice

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