Cioccolato Gianduia Con Nocciole Intere

de Coop
4,67 (42)
  • ¿Es Cioccolato Gianduia Con Nocciole Intere vegano? ¡Sí! Cioccolato Gianduia Con Nocciole Intere está certificado como vegano por la comunidad abillionVEGANO
  • Icono de impacto de carbonoAhorrado 57 %

Discover the delicious world of vegan chocolates with our Cioccolato Gianduia Con Nocciole Intere. This accidentally vegan chocolate contains hazelnut paste that gives it a creamy and rich taste, making you forget all about milk chocolate! With its chunky texture and sweetness from 31% cacao, this is one indulgence you won't want to miss out on. Experience the ultimate chocolate pleasure with every bite - try it now!

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