Post by abillion

photo shared by @abillion on  11 Jan 2023 - post

We bet you've been told a billion times now, but lentils are definitely that one pantry staple you don't want to miss on!

It's not as well known that there are A LOT of plant foods that contain high amounts of protein too, lentils being one the prominent ones. Don't forget to save & share this for the next time sometime asks you where you get your protein from! 💪

Do you love legumes as much as us?! Let us know below! 👇

berryveganplanet Yes 🙌!! Love legumes and especially lentils for the high amounts of protein and fiber they contain!! Perfect in soups, stews and salads 🥗 for those vegan 🌱 💚gains 💪🏼9 likesReply
sianski One of my favourite dishes is Mujadara a Middle Eastern lentil and rice dish with caramelised onions. With a side dish of kale
or cabbage, it’s sublime!7 likesReply
berryveganplanet Yum sounds amazing!! 3 likesReply
cloudyaquilegia Omg, I really need to find a recipe of Mujadara! The university cantine in Zurich serves it sometimes and it's really good, but I suppose that home made it's even more tasty! 4 likesReply
sianski Great to hear your university canteen serves such good dishes, but I reckon you’re right cloudyaquilegia, your own version will be the One 😻1 likeReply
esha16 Interesting 🤔Reply
helhie I love legumes, but specially chickpeas 🤤🤤😄6 likesReply
berryveganplanet 🙌 me too!! 3 likesReply
thebetsfost Chickpeas are my superfood. 2 likesReply
cloudyaquilegia I made a rent lentils soup yesterday *.* it's fast, it's good, it's healthy, I just love it 😀 ❤️ 5 likesReply
cloudyaquilegia A red* lentil soup XD 2 likesReply
veganhaven Just made some red lentils with rice 😋1 likeReply
esha16 Yes!! Lentils are part of our daily life in India and I love them. 3 likesReply
peter-plant-power I have currently red coral lentils, green du puy lentils, brown lentils , black beluga lentils, yellow lentils and greenbrown (also called blonde lentils) in my pantry. I use them to make Indian kitchari, or gluten free bread and very, very often I use them in soups. They make the winter soups hearty and thick. In the summer, I sprout them and add them to salads or as a topping on sandwiches. 💚💚💚💚 lentils! 🙏1 likeReply
bbilge Legumesss are my love for protein, iron, calsium, fiber... love them🥲 cream cheese from tofu, lentil soup, any kind of legume humus, next to pasta or rice with salad they are my confort food😋Reply
jacquelinenoire Does anyone know if you can buy lentil protein powder? I have pea, rice, hemp and pumpkin seed protein powder but I've never seen lentil protein. Reply
k37u I love cooking Moong dhaal!Reply
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