Fishless Burger

  • Is Fishless Burger vegan? Yes! Fishless Burger is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN
4.37 (21)

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my faaaaavorite burger place in singapore, they make the best burgers in my opinion— this

one is no different. i love the soft burger buns, that paired with the fried phish fillet makes me feel like im enjoying a classic fillet o fish by good ol ronald 🤡 my other favorite thing about this is the homemade sauce. it’s fluffy and friggin delightful. a solid 10/10 🥵 #veganuary

It's like a vegan fast food
version of fish burger but bette. Generous Amt of

vegan Tartar given, and vegan cheese is oh so good 🧡

Before I went vegetarian almost 10 years ago, the Fillet-O-Fish was the burger that I

usually got from McDonald's. I found it it much nicer than the other burgers and there weren't much options for me since my family doesn't take beef. So it was a no-brainer to try the fishless burger 🍔 here! While some people felt that it was very fishy, I didn't feel it was so. There was a bit of fishy taste but not that much. Pardon me saying this, but it reminded me of the cheap burgers that you could buy in the school canteen or snack shops that you knew weren't healthy or of good quality. Basically, it didn't taste healthy #sgveganjunkfood. Wish there were more veggies, stronger tasting cheese and tartar sauce, and a more moist patty. Would be great if they have non fried options. While this was tasty, it was really unhealthy and I felt heavy after eating. Well, I guess it's ok to eat a #veganjunkfood treat once in a while 😉 Cost $6.90, slightly cheaper than other vegan burger joints. It's in a coffee shop so if you're with non veg family and friends they can eat what they want too.

Sorry missed to get a closeup of the burger. It was basically 3 quorn fishless

fingers on a soft bun with some lettuce and mayo. Not bad but not that good. I don’t really like the quorn fishless fingers and the mayo needed more flavour. They had a wasabi fishless burger before and that was really good. Couldn’t find it on the menu anymore.
#veggiedojo #veganisnotscary

Super realistic fish burger 🤯 Would be even better if the tartar sauce was more

multidimensional (maybe add seaweed or smth to up the umami + unique factor & combat the teeny jelatness!) #burger #fish

My absolute favourite out of the nine items we ordered was easily the fillet-o-fish! It

was my childhood favourite, and can’t believe this is 99% similar to my vague memories of what was the real thing, 1% difference being this is even better! And Veggie Dojo’s super BYO-friendly! Pro-tip: remind them to put your burger on ur container lid, and use the actual container as the cover instead. Much easier to take the burger out after. This tip applies to cakes too. If you’re getting delivery, they can deliver in reusable containers so you can transfer the food out to your plate and return them their containers immediately!! Just tell them!! I BYOed for all 9 items I got woots! #zerowaste

this tasted like a mcdonald’s fillet o fish which really threw me back 😍 bit

expensive though for the portions - i await the day where vegan burgers prices are comparable to fast food!


Uhhh this was pretty decent but everyone raving about how it's an exact vegan replica

of McD's Filet-O-Fish got my expectations too high HAHAH. While the fish and cheese were pretty similar, the tartare was slightly off and the addition of lettuce and difference in type of bun used completely threw it off. Not to say those are bad things in any way, just that they deviated from how the traditional McD one tastes like! Still enjoyed it, pretty substantial fillet at an affordable price.

I am totally in love with this fish burger! Very generous with the fish patty

and really affordable. The white sauce is not as sour as I imagine it would be, it is tasty nevertheless.

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